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About Us

Who We Are

Today Charlotte-Mecklenburg is made up of over 320,000 Democrats. We believe in ensuring equal protections for all regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and economic status. All are welcome in our party and we will fight for your rights.


Democrats believe in investing in our public education system, supporting our teachers, and standing up for access to a quality education for all children. Democrats believe in preserving our environment and ensuring access to clean air and water.

​Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, and support the creation of quality jobs. Democrats support a fundamental belief of providing access to health care for all. Democrats are the party of progress.
Together we will build a stronger tomorrow.

What We Stand For

We fight for the same values represented by the North Carolina Democratic Party, including but not limited to:

School Kids


Providing a world-class public education to every child in North Carolina should be our top priority. We must pay our teachers enough to attract the best and brightest to our schools, and ensure that our well-trained veteran teachers do not leave the state. We must also give our teachers the support they need to help our children succeed in the classroom. Our public school system – from kindergarten on up through the University of North Carolina system – is our greatest resource, and the North Carolina Democratic Party supports making public education a priority again.

Sustainable Energy


Everyone in North Carolina should be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water. The North Carolina Democratic Party supports cleaning up coal ash ponds and believes the people who made the mess should pay to clean it up. Corporate polluters should be held accountable for their actions. NCDP opposes the corporate cronyism that allows polluters to make environmental rules and believes the Republican-led General Assembly should answer to our citizens, not its corporate donors. One of the things that makes North Carolina great is our abundance of livable communities and vibrant wildlife, and we will fight to protect our state’s environment.

Share Prices


The North Carolina Democratic Party supports building a stronger economy that works for everyone in the state, not just those at the top. Every worker should be a paid a fair wage. Rather than passing regressive sales tax hikes, we should work toward tax relief for the middle class and small businesses. We should stop putting up barriers like House Bill 2 that prevent North Carolina from continuing to attract good, high-paying jobs.

All Hands In


As Democrats, we believe in equal opportunity and non-discrimination. Every North Carolinian should be treated fairly regardless of how they look or what they believe. As such, the North Carolina Democratic Party supports the repeal of House Bill 2, a discriminatory law that removes protections not just for LGBT people, but for women, racial minorities, veterans, and many other groups. HB2 has cost our state thousands of jobs and tens of millions of dollars. It must be repealed, and we must work together to create a state where no one is discriminated against. NCDP also believes everyone should receive equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race, or any other physical characteristic.

Sign Up for Updates!

Sign up to be a part of the new Democratic Party. You'll get invites to events, volunteer opportunities, and info on how to connect with other Democrats.

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Office Hours:

10AM - 5PM

Monday - Friday

Mecklenburg County  Democratic Party

725 East Trade St,

Suite 100
​Charlotte, NC 28202


P.O. Box 34383
Charlotte, NC 28234

Paid for by the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party.

© 2024 MCDP. All Rights Reserved.

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